BWKU Biography

In 1972 our Chief Instructor Andrew Genery sensei attended his first karate lesson. His father Ken has seen an advert for a local club.

The club did not teach children but only agreed to allow Andrew and his sister to train as Ken also wanted to join.

The club belonged to the UKKF under Tatsuo Suzuki sensei.
The Doncaster club under went a few changes with founder Tony Storey moving away eventually leaving Ken as the highest grade senior, Green belt. Suzuki sensei introduced the club to John Moreton sensei who helped the club develop by attended one Friday each month .

The club stayed with Suzuki sensei until 1988 when a political device split the UKKU. Ken Genery at the time was UKKW General Secretary.

Andrew sensei had become the youngest person to be awarded 3rd Dan by Suzuki sensei.

A group of clubs stuck together to form the British Wado Ryu Karate Union (BWKU). The head of this new group was taken ill and had to stand down early in 1988. This left Andrew sensei has the highest grade.

Andrew took over coaching responsibilities and Ken looked after the administration side.
The group maintained links with many groups such as Scottish Karate Federation under Hamish Adam sensei, John Moreton sensei.

The group joined the English Karate Board , later to be the English Karate Federation. Andrew sensei became EKF Vice president and Coaching Director.

The group has maintained links with many high profile Karate ka who regularly visit , these include Geoff Thompson, William Thomas, Ticky Donovan, Wayne Otto and Calum Robb to name a few.

The group continues to promote the development and promotion of Wado Ryu karate


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